
资深报人,著名时评政论家,厦门大学文学博士。先后出版十余本著作,包括《马来西亚华人政治思潮演变》、《巫统政治风暴》、《林苍佑评传》、《柬埔寨的悲剧》,《以巴千年恩怨》、《槟城华人两百年》及《伍连德医生评传》等著作。 目前担任马来西亚一带一路研究中心主席、马来西亚中国客家总商会会长及中天咨询有限公司董事长


大马客联会署理会长拿督谢诗坚博士 在槟州客属公会69周年宴庆致词


1. 今年会庆的主题是《客家村宏愿之夜》。这是我们立下的一个未来大方向,希望在3年之内,美梦成真。整个构思是这样孕育而成的:


2. 在这之后前来参观者都对客家文物馆的别出心裁赞不绝口,并从中认识到客家人在历史上的重要地位;尤其是来自海外的学者,也意外地发现原来槟城是客家人的发祥地。正因为这样,当台湾国立中央大学客家学院的数位教授于2007年造访时,我们提出了要求他们协助把客家文物馆打造成研究海外客家人的基地之一;同时也向他们提出在槟岛有一个客家村的存在,但从来没有人研究和发掘,因此只能会意,无法成形。就这样,我们和这批学者建立了双向联系,容他们回去后组织队伍来到槟城浮罗山背做田野调查。

3. 本来这批学者计划在今年春节过后就要到浮罗山背做一个初步调查研究,但碍于我们尚未将浮罗山背客家人组织起来,请他们在今年下半年才来。


4. 今年六月我们终于热烈迎来了中央大学客家学院由5位学者教授带领其它8名研究生组成的13人队伍,分开两组在浮罗山背进行实地调查研究。一个是语言组,另一个是社会组,为期一周至10天不等。




5. 正是浮罗山背具备了进一步田调的价值,在下个月又有中央大学客家学院的学者联合本土学者到来取材和取证,他们希望会有更大的收获。目前我们确定的是双溪槟榔及浮罗文丁是名副其实的客家村,其它乡镇也分布不少客家人。


6. 台湾中央大学客家学院允应为浮罗山背客家村提出一份报告书,然后将根据实况作出客家村设立的计划书。一旦我们有了全盘的计划和完整报告书,我们会向槟州政府提出申请,在适当的地方建立起客家村的地标,当然也欢迎私人界献地和作出献议,包括发展商可将其计纳入客家村的概念,至于规模的大小,尚在探讨中,是要突出马来西亚客家式的建筑风格或是引用中国的土楼模式,还需要从长计议。但基本上我们的初步共识是不失马来西亚的文化色彩。因为浮罗山背的客家人已融入当地社会,有马来人的,印度人的及各种籍贯华人的文化背景。这种独特性又是全世界找不到的。


Speech by Dato’ Dr. Cheah See Kian, the Vice President of the Federation of Malaysia Hakka Associations

1. “Hakka Village Vision” night is the resounding theme of this Year Anniversary celebration. This being the goal we set for the future project which we wished to achieve within period of three years . The whole idea or inspiration resonated when:

In the year 2006, the Malaysian Hakka Heritage Centre with a floor area of 4,000 sq.feet & located at the 4th. Floor of the Penang Khek Association was officially declared open by the Federation of Malaysia Hakka Associations, representing the 1st. lead for the Hakka community of Malaysia. The Centre features the history and account of the endurance and final success stories of the Hakka ancestors who migrated from China to Malaysia. The visitors were greatly impressed by its unique ,orderly & succinct narration and presentation that feature the contribution of the Hakka people in the development of the country of Malaysia.

2. Since then visitors were so impressed with the unique features of the Centre and came to know the historical importance of the Hakka; especially the scholars from overseas also accidentally found out that Penang represents the source area of development for the Hakka.

In the year 2007 when scholars from the Hakka Research Centre of the National Central University of Taiwan came to Penang, we requested them to help up-moulding the Hakka Heritage Centre as one of the overseas base for Hakka Research; also we conveyed to them the existence of a Hakka village in Penang which was still unexplored and which so far no research had been done . Through this , we managed to foster mutual good relationship with these scholars which made way for the formation of a research team for further field -work research on the Hakka settlement of Balik Pulau .

3. Originally , the scholars planned to come to Balik Pulau in early of this year to carry out the preliminary research . However, we preferred them to come during the second half of the year as by then the Hakka communities would be more organized with the setting up of the Balik Pulau Hakka Village joint committe.

To facilitate research and evaluation work on the existence of a Hakka village in Balik Pulau, we went ahead to set up the “Penang Khek Association Balik Pulau Hakka Village Joint Committe” for better coordination with the Hakka peoples in Balik Pulau. We were astonished by the overwhelming support we received which enable the Committee be set up within such a short period. We invited the Minister of Health Datuk Liow Tiong Lai who is also Hakka to officiate the Swearing –in Ceremony which was held on 1st.June 08 at the Hall of SMJK. Sacred Heart . In short, we are heading from urban to rural area and creating a spectacular ring of association with all the Hakka people.

4. In June of this year, we thus set to welcome the arrival of a group of scholars consisting of five professors and eight research personnel from the Hakka Research Unit of the National Central University of Taiwan . This research team was divided into two group to probe on the linguistic aspect and the social sphere of study respectively . This study took about 1 week to 10 days as schedule.

The finding of the research affirmed Balik Pullau was once resided by large number of Hakka people. Many moved to Balik Pulau sometime prior and after the Taiping Rebellion(Year 1851 to 1868 ) viz. about 50 years after Penang island was developed for business (Penang Island was acquired by Captain Francis Light of England in 1786) .This is to say that the immigrants from China first settled in Georgetown then only further shifted to the hill region fifty years later. The favourable natural resources and environment of Balik Pulau soon became another start point of settlement and development for the early immigrants. The great market demand for spices in western countries at the time also created much job opportunity in the nutmeg and clove plantation of the English colonial for the early immigrants.

The Hakka immigrants chose to settle in the hill region for the Hakka people of China had lived in the desolated hilly places for times and were mainly involved in agricultural activities and led a simple and hard living. They were not only hardworking but also education –conscious which resembles the traditional characteristic of the Hakka people at large.

Finding of the scholars from Taiwan revealed three special characteristic of the Hakka people in Balik Pulau; firstly though they are from different origin of Kar Yin , Fooi Chew and Taipu ,they basically using the same dialect with some mixture of local Malay dialect; Secondly,they were influenced by the revolutionary spirit of the Taiping rebellion led by Hong Xiu Quan the Heavenly King for they participated in the Communist activities & movements in those days and thirdly many of them just like Hong Xiu Quan adopted the sam religion .They joined the Protestant Catholic Church in Balik Pulau which has a history of 150 years and remains same today as proof of evidence. In those days, the Church used the Hakka dialect as media of communication, so did the Chinese schools in Balik Pulau in those days.

5.Next month, there will be another group of scholars from the Hakka Research Centre of the National Centre Universtity of Taiwan coming to Balik Pulau to explore the historical evidence of the Hakka in Balik Pulau. The Sungai Pinang and Pulau Bunting area of Balik Pulau being a real Hakka village, though there are Hakka in other area too.

Besides, six scholars of high intellectual also schedule to come to Balik Pulau in Jan, 2009 to hold a workshop on the research work, they will have interaction with the local intellectuals of Penang, Johor and Sibu on the main issue of Hakka study & research. The workshop
Will be held in collaboration with the Penang Khek Association and the Han Chiang College with the purpose of bringing the Hakka Village study into the perspective of the intellectual.

6.The Hakka Research Centre of the National Central Universtity of Taiwan promised to provide a report on Hakka Village of Balik Pulau. We will base on the report to work out a complete plan on the construction of the Hakka Village and will submit our application to the Penang authority for allocation of land for building the Hakka Village landmark. In this respect, we welcome donation of land from private sector or proposal if any; this include adoption of the idea of Hakka village into their housing development plan, will need to review on the area-coverage and type of architecture if as that of the Hakka traditional “Tu Lou” or of Malaysian Hakka . Basically we have come to term that it is better to adopt one which depicts our unique multi culture of Malaysia.

With this we share the same dream of building a Hakka Village which we hope to materialize within period of three years, having the 1st. Hakka Village in Malaysia.

